Community Events

Community Events 

Quarter 1 : January - March 2020 = Available April 1st 2020 | 138 as Of End of March 2020 | 

Quarter 2 Statistics: April - June 2020 = Available July 1st 2020 | xxxxx |

Quarter 3 Statistics: July - September 2020 = Available October 1st 2020 | xxxxx |

Quarter 4 Statistics: October - December 2020 = Available January 1st 2021 | xxxxx |

This month we are proud to announce 4 versions of our pride guide: Hindi and English & Spanish! March 2020 Pride Guide Q1. Click on the download guide you would like. Special thanks to our team of Anshumaan & Cecilia & Sebastian for creating our pride guide this month. Languages featured English, Spanish, French, Hindi.

December 2019 LGBTQ+ International  Pride Guide  Available now download the PDF Below! WE are proud to feature 32 events in December 2019 edition