Group Rules




Rule: 1 All profiles requires a picture of yourself. Please. Requiring a minimum of 2 photos of you! To help us prevent fakes, bot, scammers in our group:

Rule: 2 Absolutely no putting others down or bullying will not be tolerated. NO HATE PERIOD!!!

Rule: 3 WE ARE NOT A DATING GROUP (please do not post anything that relates to this) or messaging the Admins or members to trying to hook up. No Smash or Pass post and or comments allowed!

Rule: 4 No Nudity or anything that may be sexual (we want to keep this group nice for all) AND NO SEXTING ALLOWED!!! 

Rule: 5 Do not ask for money, or post sites that encourage it. This includes GofundMe pages are not allowed.

Rule: 6 No advertisement, unless it LGBTQ products or services, this includes FB Pages and Fb Groups. Please contact Daniel Smith (the owner) for if you want to post to advertise in our group.

Rule: 7 No offensive comments, images, no foul language, no stalking! No snapchats posts no add me"s!

Rule: 8 DO NOT harass any of the Admins or Moderators. Don't block any of the admins or moderators.

Rule: 9 Suicide is a serious matter and we take that seriously so if anyone makes a comment telling others to die or they should commit suicide, then you will be removed and banned immediately and will be reported to fb and authorities as its a form of bullying and is a felony.

Rule: 10 Absolutely NO PEDOPHILES if we see a post or video/website of someone older looking for a date of a minor than you will not only be deleted or removed you will be reported and make sure you be on the sex offender list and again will be banned from the group!

Violations of the rules will result in a warning. Repeat violations will result in removal from the group. We will report to the proper authority if needed.

Threats against any members or non-member will result in immediate removal, no warnings will be given. We take this very seriously!!!

Please report all violations to us ADMINS & MODERATORS 

Thank you!