January 2020 Pride Guide Q1

QUARTER 1 2020: December 2019 / January 2020
Event Name: Thailand New Year 2020 Celebration Gay Tour
Date: December 22nd - January 2nd 2020
Location: 12 Days from Bangkok to Phuket, Thailand
Website: https://www.happygaytravel.com/tours/OutAdventures/Thailand_New_Year_Gay_Tour.html
Event Name: WE New Year Festival Madrid 2020
Date: December 27th - January 1st 2020
Location: Madrid, Spain
Website: https://www.wenewyearfestival.com/
Event Name: White Party Puerto Vallarta New Years Eve 2019/2020
Date: December 27th - January 1st 2020
Location: Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/white-party-puerto-vallarta-new-years-eve-20192020-tickets-67749509607
Event Name: LGBTQ Affirming and Safe Space Yoga
Date: December 30th 2019
Location: Northfork, Virginia, USA
Event Name: Kiki Pool Party
Date: January 2nd
Location: Sydney, Australia
Website: https://embed.ticketbooth.com.au/event/kiki-ivy-pool-party-
Event Name: Q Christian Fellowship 2020 Conference
Date: January 2nd - January 5th
Location: Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
Event Name: Palm Springs International Film Festival
Date: January 2nd - January 13th
Location: Palm Springs, California, USA
Website: https://www.psfilmfest.org/film-festival-2020/schedule
Event Name: Glitter Ball Party
Date: January 3rd
Location: Blackpool, United Kingdom
Website: https://clubsx.co.uk/events/
Event Name: New Jersey Devils Annual Pride Night!
Date: January 4th
Location: Newark, New Jersey, USA
Event Name: Queer Youth Meal Night | The SF LGBT Center
Date: January 7th
Location: San Francisco, California, USA
Website: https://www.gaypinkspots.com/event/the-sf-lgbt-center-queer-youth-meal-night.html
Event Name: Rainbow Umbrella Film Festival 2020
Date: January 9th - January 12th
Location: London, United Kingdom
Website: https://www.unrestrictedview.co.uk/rainbow-umbrella-film-festival-2020/
Event Name: Barefoot Bowls - Diversity Launceston, WIO & TAS Pride
Date: January 12th
Location: Trevallyn, Tasmania, Australia
Event Name: Aspen Gay Ski Week
Date: January 12th - January 19th
Location: Aspen, Colorado, USA
Website: https://gayskiweek.com/
Event Name: Rainbow Sangha Bi-Monthly Sit
Date: January 14th
Location: Santa Cruz, California, USA
Website: https://www.insightsantacruz.org/rainbow-sangha-bi-monthly-sits/?doing_wp_cron=1576776476.8083090782165527343750
Event Name: Rainbow Bingo (Drag Night on 3rd Wednesdays)
Date: January 15th
Location: San Jose, California USA
Website: https://www.defrankcenter.org/events/featured-events/920-every-wednesday-rainbow-bingo-drag-night-on-3rd-wednesdays
Event Name: Mid-Atlantic Leather Pride
Date: January 17th - January 19th
Location: Washington, District Columbia, USA
Website: https://www.leatherweekend.com/
Please be advised when clicking on this link, it will contain not suitable content for minors.
Event Name: HustlaBall Las Vegas 2020
Date: January 17th - January 20th
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Website: https://www.hustlaball.com/
Event Name: Peace River Pride 2020
Date: January 18th
Location: Punta Gorda, Florida, USA
Event Name: Yangon Pride: Boat Parade
Date: January 18th
Location: Yangon, Myanmar
Event Name: RuPaul's DragCon UK 2020
Date: January 18th - January 19th
Location: Kensington, London, United Kingdom
Website: https://uk.rupaulsdragcon.com/
Event Name: AROSA Gay Ski Week 2020
Date: January 18th - January 25th
Location: Arosa, Switzerland
Website: https://www.arosa-gayskiweek.com/
Event Name: HRC Women LEAD Summit: LEADing into the Future
Date: January 19th
Location: Dallas, Texas, USA
Event Name: Kya Yeh Bhi Pyaar Hai - An LGBT Play
Date: January 19th
Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Event Name: The Color Positive Show 2020
Date: January 19th
Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Event Name: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Date: January 20th
Location: United States of America
Website: https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/us/martin-luther-king-day
Event Name: GLSEN No Name-Calling Week
Date: January 20th - January 25th
Location: Worldwide - International
Event Name: Yangon Pride: Film Screening
Date: January 22nd
Location: Yangon, Myanmar
Event Name: Winter Rendezvous Gay Ski
Date: January 22nd - January 26th
Location: Stowe, Vermont, USA
Website: https://www.winterrendezvous.com/
Event Name: TransArt Art Showcase & Conference 2020
Date: January 24th - January 25th
Location: Miami, Flordia, USA
Event Name: Rainbow Serpent Festival
Date: January 24th - January 27th
Location: Lexton, Victoria, Australia
Website: https://rainbowserpent.net/
Event Name: Rainbow Ball Vienna | Wiener Regenbogenball
Date: January 25th
Location: Vienna, Austria
Event Name: Holocaust Remembrance Day
Date: January 27th
Location: Worldwide - International
Website: https://www.ushmm.org/remember/days-of-remembrance/resources/calendar
Event Name: 18+ Gaymers | San Mateo County Pride Center
Date: January 28th
Location: San Mateo, California, USA
Website: https://sanmateopride.org/
Event Name: Yangon Pride: Dance Performance
Date: January 29th
Location: Yangon, Myanmar
Event Name: Winter Pride 2020
Date: January 31st
Location: London, United Kingdom
QUARTER 1 2020: January 2020 / February 2020
Event Name: Midsumma Pride Festival 2020
Date: January 19th - February 9th
Location: Melbourne, Victoria Australia
Website: https://www.midsumma.org.au/
Event Name: BeefDip Bear Week Mexico
Date: January 26th - February 2nd
Location: Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Website: https://www.beefdip.com/
Please be advised when clicking on this link, it will contain not suitable content for minors.
Event Name: Whistler Pride & Ski Festival
Date: January 26th - February 2nd
Location: Whistler, British Colombia, Canada
Website: https://www.whistlerpride.com/
Event Name: Arena Festival Internacional
Date: January 29th - February 4th
Location: Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Website: https://arena.mx/
Please be advised when clicking on this link, it will contain not suitable content for minors & loud music playing
Event Name: Tremblant Gay Ski Week 2020
Date: January 30th - February 2nd
Location: Mont-Tremblant, Quebec, Canada
Website: https://tremblantgayskiweek.com/
If you have an LGBTQ+ Event that you want us to consider in our pride guide. Fill out the contact form. Now accepting February 2020- December 2020 Event Submissions!